V.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Siebert-Raths
Source: China Hopson

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Siebert-Raths

Head of Institute

Phone: +49 511 353248 11
e-mail: andrea.siebert-raths@hs-hannover.de

N. N.


Heisterbergallee 10A
30453 Hannover
Phone: +49 511 9296-7243

How to find us

Source: China Hopson

Dr. Stephen Kroll

Vice Head of Institute
Departments Circular economy and Markets & sustainability

Phone: +49 511 9296-8578
e-mail: stephen.kroll@hs-hannover.de

Source: China Hopson

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marco Neudecker

Vice Head of Institute
Departments Injection moulding and Optical analytics

Project „SpaPlast“

Phone: +49 511 9296-8624
e-mail: marco.neudecker@hs-hannover.de

Source: China Hopson

Nico Becker, M. Eng.

Department Markets & sustainability

Projects "Bowl2Bowl" and "PLA2Scale“

Phone: +49 511 9296-8280
e-mail: nico.becker@hs-hannover.de

Source: China Hopson

Daniel Boese

Department Injection moulding

Phone: +49 511 9296-8708
e-mail: daniel.boese@hs-hannover.de

Source: IfBB

Tobias Fritjof Deneke, M. Sc.

Department Injection moulding

Project „Bowl2Bowl“

Phone: +49 511 9296-7346
e-mail: tobias-fritjof.deneke@hs-hannover.de

Anna Dörgens
Source: IfBB

Anna Dörgens, M. Sc.

Departments Extrusion and Rheology

Project „SpaPlast II“

Phone: +49 511 9296-8302
e-mail: anna.doergens@hs-hannover.de

Source: A. Borns

Dr. Natalie Empting

Department Composite materials

Project „InnoBOB"

Phone: +49 511 353 248 - 17
e-mail: natalie.empting@hs-hannover.de

Source: IfBB

Rafael Gaida

Department Material testing & analysis

Phone: +49 511 9296-8058
e-mail: rafael.gaida@hs-hannover.de

Source: China Hopson

Daniela Jahn, B. Eng.

Departments Thermal analysis, Material development and Occupational safety

Phone: +49 511 9296-8343
e-mail: daniela.jahn@hs-hannover.de

Source: IfBB

Markus Kammer, B. Eng.

Research management ‘Circular economy and recycling’
Organisation of the plastics technology centre

Department Extrusion

Phone: +49 511 9296-7239
e-mail: markus.kammer@hs-hannover.de

Source: IfBB

Jan Kuckuck, M. Sc.

Department Extrusion

Project „Tec4Egg“

Phone: +49 511 9296-7191
e-mail: jan.kuckuck@hs-hannover.de

Source: China Hopson

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Simon McGowan

Department Extrusion

Phone: +49 511 9296-7996
e-mail: simon.mcgowan@hs-hannover.de

Source: China Hopson

Dr. phil. Lisa Mundzeck

Department Public Relations

Phone: +49 511 9296-8448
e-mail: lisa.mundzeck@hs-hannover.de

Source: IfBB

Sarina Schulte

PhD student
Doctoral program hsn-digital, Working title: „(Bio-)polymer materials with tailored nono-labelling used as advanced integrated systems for future mobility“

Phone: +49 511 9296-8897
e-mail: anna-sarina.schulte@hs-hannover.de

Source: IfBB

Vineet Shah, M. Eng.

Department Markets & sustainability

Project  „Bio4MatPro“

Phone: +49 511 9296-7612
e-mail: vineet-shailesh.shah@hs-hannover.de

Source: IfBB

Helene Spatzker

Department Finances

Phone: +49 511 9296-8740
e-mail: helene.spatzker@hs-hannover.de

Jan Tinnemeier, B. Eng.

Project „I-RoBi“

Phone: +49 511 9296-7164
e-mail: jan.tinnemeier@hs-hannover.de

Source: IfBB

Kevin Ullmann, B. Eng.

Departments Extrusion and Markets & sustainability

Project „PLA2Scale

Phone: +49 511 9296-8222
e-mail: kevin.ullmann@hs-hannover.de

Source: IfBB

Jana Winkelmann, M. Sc.

Project "I-RoBi"

Phone: +49 511 353 248 - 21
e-mail: jana.winkelmann@hs-hannover.de


Source: China Hopson

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marco Neudecker

doctoral program hsn-digital

working title: Development of an ontology for digitizing heterogeneous and isolated material data from bioplastics for data related optimization of the injection molding process

Phone: +49 511 9296-8624
e-mail: marco.neudecker@hs-hannover.de

Source: IfBB

Sarina Schulte

doctoral program hsn-digital

working title: (Bio-)Polymer materials with tailored nano-labelling used as advanced integrated systems for future mobility

Phone: +49 511 9296-8897
e-mail: anna-sarina.schulte@hs-hannover.de