Other testing devices
Contact angle measuring device and tensiometer DCAT 21
Company: DataPhysics Instruments GmbH
Tensiometry is a force-based measurement method for the determination of limit and surface tensions. Furthermore, it is possible to measure dynamic contact angles with a tensiometer and to examine the wetting properties of powders, single fibers, fiber bundles and fabrics with the help of suitable sample holders.
Technical details:
- Surface and interfacial tension Measuring range: 1 to 2000 mN / m, ± 0.001 mN / m resolution
- Contact angle Measuring range: 0 to 180 °; ± 0.01 ° resolution
- Density range: 0.50 to 2.50 g / cm; ± 0.002 g / cm resolution
- Weight measuring range: 10 μg to 210 g
- Temperature range: -10 to 250 ° C
Measurement methods and option:
- Dynamic contact angle and surface energy on prismatic and cylindrical specimens (e.g. plates, films, rods and individual fibers) according to the Wilhelmy method
- Contact angle of powders and fiber bundles, single fibers and the adsorption behavior of liquids on wettable materials by the modified Washburn method
- Analysis of the free surface energy and its components (e.g. disperse, polar components and hydrogen bridge or acid / base components)
- Calculation and representation of adhesion / contact angle diagrams
- Automatic density determination of solids
Areas of application:
- Wetting behavior of single fibers and textile fabrics
- Wetting and adhesion of coatings
- Control of surface modifications
- Plastic bonding in packaging
- Printability of films
- Adhesion of fibers and powders in matrix polymers in composites
Moisture determination with Aquatrac + and Aquatrac -3E
Company: Brabender Messtechnik
General Information: The method for moisture measurement of plastics is regulated by EN ISO 15512 method C.
After entering the measurement temperature, bulk density of the material in kg / m³ (which was previously determined) and weighing the sample is heated in a closed cup under vacuum, so that a rapid reaction process by interaction of vacuum and temperature takes place and another possible fault by Oxygen in the reaction vessel is reduced. It should be noted that the material does not decompose and melt at the specified measuring temperature. The water of the sample reacts in the measuring cup with the reagent calcium hydride (CaH2) to calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH) 2) with hydrogen evolution. The resulting gas pressure is strictly proportional to the water volume of the sample material and serves as the measure of the method.
The reaction sequence is as follows:
CaH2 + 2 H2O -> Ca(OH)2 + 2 H2
After the end of the reaction, the water content [%] is documented.
Technical details:
- Measuring principle: Chemical reaction with calcium hydride c
- Measuring ranges: 0-0.1 %, 0-0.4 %, 0-1.0 %, 0- 4.0 %
- Accuracy: Measurement error ± 2 % of the measured value, ± 1 % of the measuring range, repeat deviation approx. ± 1 % of the measuring range
- Test specimen: granules
- Weighing: 1-96 g [10 g] - Measuring temperatures: 80 °C - 200 °C in 1 °C increments [130 °C]
- Measuring time: 15-30 min depending on the material
- Display: % H2O
Reichelt Jung Mikrotom Mod. 2040