Mechanical testing laboratory
Fields of application of the devices in mechanical testing:
Determination of single- point characteristics of molding compounds according to DIN EN ISO 1035-1:
- Multipurpose specimen DIN EN ISO 3167
- Tensile test DIN EN ISO 527-1/-2
- Bending test DIN EN ISO 178 procedures A and B
- Impact bending test (Charpy) DIN EN ISO 179-1, 23° to -30°
- Impact bending test (Charpy instrumented) DIN EN ISO 179-2, 23° to -30°
- Impact tensile test DIN EN ISO 8256 method A
Universal testing machine Zwick/Roell Z100 Allround-Line
Technical details:
- Force transducer: 100 kN class 1
- Force transducer: 5 kN class 1
- E-modulus: makroXtens II
- Width change: videoXtens width to determine the Poisson number μ according to ISO 527-1
- Sample holder: wedge screw sample holder 100 kN
- Temperature chamber (-80 °C to +250 °C)
Universal testing machine Zwick/Roell Z020 Allround-Line
Technical Details:
- Force transducer: 20 kN class 1
- E-modulus: makroXtens
- Sample holder: wedge screw sample holder max. 10 kN
- pneumatic specimen grips, type 8497 30 kN
Table tester Zwick/Roell Z2,5 TN zwicki-Line
Technical details:
- Force transducers: 2.5 kN Class 1,500 N Class 1, 20 N Class 1
- Sample holder: Screw sample holding max. 1 kN
- Specimens: foils, paper/cardboard, fleece
Pendulum impact tester Zwick/Roell HIT25P
Technical details:
- Pendulum: 2-7.5 joule Charpy DIN EN ISO 179-1
- Pendulum: 5-25 joule instrumented Charpy DIN EN ISO 179-2
- Pendulum: 2-25 joule impact test DIN EN ISO 8256
- Specimen: Charpy: Specimen Type 1A
- Impact tensile test: Type 1