
The undesired input of plastics into the sea will never be completely avoided, even with global disposal and avoidance strategies. At the center of the research project "Bio-based and biodegradable plastics - solution option for the marine litter problem (MabiKu) " is therefore the question for the IfBB whether and in which areas of application marin-degradable plastics can be a solution in the fight against pollution of the oceans. For this purpose, not only are bioplastics are being tested for their fundamental operational capability, but above all, specific test methods for the degradability of bioplastics in the sea have been developed. Suitable bio-based plastics should then be investigated systematically and under standardized conditions: How do they degrade? How can your mining behavior be optimized without at the same time worsening the properties of the plastics? For the first time, compact, thick-walled or packaging-like components are also being investigated in order to be able to judge how products of similar shape actually behave once they have remained in the sea.

Project summary

  • Project title: MabiKu - Biobased and biodegradable plastics- Solution options for the Marine litter problem?
  • Sponsorship: Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
  • Funding: Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR)
  • Project management: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Siebert-Raths
  • Project responsible: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marco Neudecker, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Siebert-Raths
  • Project partners: IfBB - Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites at Hannover University of Applied Sciences, Institut für Kunststofftechnik und Kunststoffkreisläufe and Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Waste Management of Leibniz University Hannover, HYDRA Marine Sciences GmbH (HYDRA) in Sinzheim
  • Duration: 01.04.2019 – 31.03.2022


Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Marco Neudecker,