Junior Researchers Team: „Systematic Identification and Practical Implementation of Synergies in the Area of Biopolymers, Biopolymer Fibres and Composite Materials”

Besides engaging in pure science, the Junior Researchers Team is focused in particular on research for practical applications such as the development and market establishment of innovative bio-based composites to be used, for example, in the area of automotives, in sports and household goods, or office items. This also includes enhancing the processing technology and the process chain. The goal is eventually to introduce bio-based fibres and bioplastics or biocomposites as a large-scale substitute for all types of conventional plastics as well as glass, carbon, or conventional plastic reinforcement fibres.
To promote their research, cooperative agreements have been made with nine industry partners who bring in their expertise along the entire process chain. They come from areas as diverse as chemistry, additivation, production of natural fibres, polymer fibres, automotive supply, or office supply.
The IfBB Junior Researchers Team is one of six groups of that kind, which is eligible to receive funding, starting in 2012, from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, for their research in material and energetic use of biomass.
After successfull research work in stage one of the project in 2012 to 2015 the second stage of the IfBB Junior Researchers Team has started in summer 2015 under the title “Practical Implementation of Developed Biomaterials, Specific Component Manufacturing with Life Cycle Assessment, Potential Assessment, Market Establishment, Entrepreneurial Realisation, Technology Transfer for Biomaterials“.
Based on stage one of the project, the second stage involves the industrial implementation of the newly developed materials. The objective is to make reliable statements regarding the application of the new materials across all industries. The focus here is on assessing the economic and technical feasibility as well as the environmental gains and to determine the bottlenecks for an industrial utilization.
Another objective is to successfully establish the new products on the market. It is imperative therefore to take up a viable communication and to have a supporting marketing plan on track once the new biobased products are being introduced on the market.
Material datasheets
Project summary
- Project title: Systematic Identification and Practical Implementation of Synergies in the Area of Biopolymers, Biopolymer Fibres and Composite Materials (stage 1), Practical Implementation of Developed Biomaterials, Specific Component Manufacturing with Life Cycle Assessment, Potential Assessment, Market Establishment, Entrepreneurial Realisation, Technology Transfer for Biomaterials (stage 2)
- Trustee: Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR)
- Funding: German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
- Project partner stage 2: Prof. Dr. Wiebke Möhring, Fakulty III – Media, Information and Design at Hochschule Hannover, Simcon Supplying Solutions, NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH, Konstruktionsbüro Hein GmbH, TPK Kunststofftechnik GmbH, Rhein Chemie Rheinau GmbH, Full Circle Design GmbH & Co. KG, orfix International GmbH, Schneider Schreibgeräte GmbH, NagerIT e.V., Oskar Lehmann GmbH & Co. KG, New Games – Frisbeesport, Weber Technik GmbH
- Final report: https://doi.org/10.2314/GBV:1024212653
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andrea Siebert-Raths, andrea.siebert-raths@hs-hannover.de