Workshop: Bio-based Polymers and Composites for Technical Applications

Location: London (Ontario), Canada
Quelle: Wikimedia Commons

Due to environmental and economic aspects, currently the use of renewable resources for technical applications shows a dynamic growth. Industry and research groups from all over the world have realized that the use of renewable resources has a huge potential.

International collaboration is a key point for the consistent and sustainable realization of this potential.

In order to give an impulse to this international collaboration, we are going to host a collaborative workshop in Canada in October which is going to be conducted at the Fraunhofer-Project Centre FPC, located at the Western University in Ontario, Canada and will take place from October 25th to 26th.

The workshop offers a platform for knowledge and competence exchange, but mainly it is going to be used for the identification of the potential collaboration fields.

25.-26.10.2018 in London (CAN)

Why should you join the workshop in London?

    • Competence exchange between scientists and industry
    • Identification of new ideas and topics for collaborative projects
    • Efficient use of renewable resources for industrial applications
      • Optimization of reinforcement fibers and fabrics
      • Manufacture of biocomposites
      • State-of-the-art manufacturing technologies
      • Properties of the biobased products
      • Analytics
      • Recycling / End of Life scenarios
      • Life Cycle Analysis

The program for the workshop can be found here.

Registration for the workshop is possible until September 15, 2018

via Fax: +49 511 9296 99 2291

or e-mail to: